Our Girls

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Latest

All is going as well as can be expected. Mary's weight seems to be stablizing and she is taking more formula everyday. She has been put back on oxygen because she has had a few episodes where she has stopped breathing. According to the doctors, it is perfectly normal for preemies around age 3 to 5 days to have this happened. They sleep so deeply that they stop breathing because their brain does not yet have the ability to tell the lungs to take an involuntary breath. I Wednedswish they had warned me because it certainly scared the heck out of me. She is still under the jaundice lamp, but her color looks much better today and they are hoping to take her out from under it by tomorrow. We can't wait so that she can actually look around again. They keep her eyes covered and she gets quite frustrated when we are talking to her and she can't see us. We are also hoping to get to hold her tomorrow. They have been trying to let her rest, so we haven't been able to hold her since Wednesday morning.

Here are a few updated pictures.

Hayden had her first soccer practice on Tuesday. Jason said it was quite entertaining. I think she had a great time and here are a few updated pictures of Hayden:


April S. said...

First let me say that Hayden looks so cute in all of her soccer gear!

I am glad to hear that Mary is making progress and doing better everyday. I can't imagine how hard it has been on you since you can't hold her or anything.

We will continue to pray for you guys and I am praying that she will be home with you all soon.

Unknown said...

Hayden is absolutely precious!!!!

Karen said...

Hayden looks like a natural born soccer player in all her gear!!! I can't wait to see pics of her first game.

Glad Mary continues to do well and love the pics of you and Jason holding her!

Nicole said...

Hayden is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Seriously, I love when they start playing sports because there is nothing cuter than little preschoolers in uniforms! I can't wait for Parker to play! It is wonderful to hear that Mary is doing better. She will be home before you know it!